Sampson Farms produces high quality beef at all of our cattle farm locations. Our focus is primarily on the cow calf sector of the beef business. The largest segments of our cattle are wintered and calved at the Hector farm location, summer pasturing is done in both the Willmar and Paynesville areas. Sampson cattle are meticulously selected, bred and cared for to produce the very highest quality beef.
Through careful breeding and zealous record keeping, our cattle are monitored throughout their entire life cycle to ensure fast gains, good fertility and the highest quality possible.
Sampson Farms annually produces over 500 plus head of cattle. We specialize in producing black and white faced heifers. We pride ourselves in our heifer development program with both purebred and cross-bred cattle production. Sampson cattle farm takes part in all facets of the beef business including breeding, calving, stocking and feedlot finishing.
It is our earnest commitment to become one of the premier beef cattle producers in the mid-west area.

Call the Farm Manager, Mr. Keith Raitz at 320.848.2461; or call the Business Manager, Mr. Russ Sampson at 952.440.6682 for more information.